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How to use API Quick Start and Seachem Prime together

If you want to add fish immediately to your tank, then you can use API Quick Start and Seachem Prime. So, can these two products can be used at the same time? You can find out in this article from Aquarium Blueprints.

Is API Quick Start compatible with Seachem Prime?

There are conflicting reports as to whether or not you can use API Quick Start and Seachem Prime simultaneously.

As an extra precaution, we recommend that you wait at least 24 hours after you add one of the products in your tank before adding the other. This is because Seachem Prime will no longer become reactive after 24 hours; therefore, it shouldn’t cause a reaction if you add API Quick Start afterwards.

If you want to be really cautious, then you can wait up to 48 hours after adding Prime as the water conditioner should be fully broken down after 2 days.

How to use API Quick Start and Seachem Prime to cycle a tank

In order to use API Quick Start and Seachem Prime together in order to cycle a tank, we recommend that you take the following steps:

1. Before we begin, we suggest that you also get an aquarium test kit as it is the only way to know for sure that your aquarium is fully cycled.

Make sure that you get one that is able to test for the ammonia and nitrite levels.

2. Next, you should set up your fish tank by adding a substrate, heater, filter, décor and any other objects.

3. Once you are done with adding objects to your tank, you can then fill it with water.

4. Afterwards, you need to add Seachem Prime.

For this water conditioner, you should add 5 mL for every 50 gallons or 200 liters of tank water.

5. After adding Seachem Prime, you need to wait between 24 to 48 hours.

6. Once the allotted time has passed, you can then add API Quick Start Nitrifying Bacteria to your tank water.

When it comes to dosage, you should add 10 mL of Quick Start for every 10 gallons or 38 liters of tank water.

7. Add this point, you can begin to slowly add fish to your tank.

We don’t recommend adding a bunch at the same time as the nitrifying bacteria may not grow fast enough to handle the ammonia and nitrites that will be produced. Ideally, you should start with a few and then gradually add more once your aquarium has been fully cycled.

8. 24 to 48 hours after you dose Quick Start, you need to re-dose Seachem Prime.

By doing so, you will bind ammonia and nitrites in non-toxic forms, which will keep your fish safe. At the same time, the nitrifying bacteria will still consume the non-toxic ammonia and nitrites.

9. Keep re-dosing Prime every 24 to 48 hours for the next two weeks.

10. After two weeks, you can use an aquarium test kit to measure the ammonia and nitrite levels.

For your tank to be considered fully cycled, the kit should show that your tank water has 0 ppm of ammonia and 0 ppm of nitrites.

If the testing shows that there are traces of ammonia and nitrites, then you need to keep re-dosing Prime and then re-test your tank water until you reach the target.

11. Once your tank has been fully cycled, you can stop dosing Seachem Prime.