How to keep Cherry Shrimps in an unheated tank

While not ideal, you should be able to keep Cherry Shrimps, also known as Neocardinia Shrimps, in a tank without a heater. To find out how you can properly do so without harming your pets, you can follow this guide from Aquarium Blueprints. Recommended Temperature Range for Cherry Shrimps The recommended temperature range for the … Read more

Do Cherry Shrimp need a bubbler?

Cherry Shrimps are more fragile when compared to other pets from the aquarium hobby. So, do these dwarf inverts need a bubbler? You can find out in this article from Aquarium Blueprints. What does a bubbler do in a fish tank? A bubble is designed to add water movement in your aquarium. By doing so, … Read more

Where can you buy Cherry Shrimps?

If you want to add Cherry Shrimps (also known as Neocaridina Shrimps) to your tank, then you have several options. To find out what the best way to purchase these aquatic pets, you can take a look at this article from Aquarium Blueprints. 1. We recommending buying Cherry Shrimps from a local breeder or hobbyist … Read more

Do Cherry Shrimps attack each other?

Neocaridina Shrimps, which has the common name of Cherry Shrimps, are known to be mostly peaceful. So, are these pet inverts capable of attacking each other? You can find out in this article from Aquarium Blueprints. Based on our experience, Cherry Shrimps will attack each other when they are extremely hungry. Without enough food around, … Read more